Tuesday 7 July 2015

You are born to win

Joseph was stripped of his coat but not of his character.
Joseph was stripped of his family but nott of his future.
Joseph was stripped of his position but not of his purity.
Joseph was stripped of his accomplishments but not of his attitude.
Despite all he went through, he became great.
Forget what u r going through today, tomorrow will be great. You are born to win.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

words of a bereaved mother.

I prayed to have you and I did. I had you in my womb for months, it was the best change my body has ever gone through. I watched you grow every second, minute and day. I saw you form as my stomach formed. I felt your emotion, I felt your happiness and all. I felt you kick, I fed you the best meal right there inside me. I woke up each day praying for that D-day when you would come out and see my face. I was waiting patiently to see your innocent face, to hold your tiny hand in mine, to cradle your small body in my hands while I sing you a melodious lullaby. I painted your room blue cos your dad is a Chelsea fan and we were expecting you to be too.
But today I'm sad and downcasted. I lost you my precious baby, I lost you today...at 7months. Just when I felt my victory was near, just when I felt you would finally taste our good life. But no, Fate had a different plan.
I love you dearly my beloved. Your dad and I would try again for you. I would leave your room just the way it is. I would leave your clothes folded and waiting for you. I would leave your toys right where they are and i'd put my womb in good shape just for you. I hope you come back to me again my precious. I waited to have you and i'l gladly wait to have you again.


Tuesday 30 June 2015

You are beautiful!

Hey you! Nobody can rock your brand of beautiful better than you do!. There's only one YOU and there'll never be another YOU. It took God 9 good months to make you the way you are, and trust me, He did a perfect job with you. Appreciate yourself, be your own cheerleader and take the front seat at the events of your life. You are beautiful just the way you are. Don't let anyone  walk over you. You are unique and amazing. Celebrate that uniqueness. Once again, you are amazing!

The way life is

I saw something this morning on my way to work which pricked my heart. It got me thinking and wondering what life is to individuals. Life to me, as a working youth, at least the ME scurrying to work so as not to clock in late,  means living while trying to make ends meet.
There I was, rushing down to get a bus, Trying not to get my blouse rumpled and @dsame time clutching my bag with all d strenght I could spare. In my bid to catch up with d first bus I caught sight of, I ran into a beautiful lady who was dressed in a flowery yellow top and  grey leggings.  My next instinct was to look up and mumble an apologetic 'sorry' to her. Looking up , I knew something was wrong. What was suprising, she didn't wait to size me up with her eyes, she just kept swaying down the road.
Watching her sway along, I noticed she had no shoes on, she had no bag on her, she had nothing. She was acting weird and unseemingly, mumbling 'only God knows what' to herself and she was walking zig zaggedly. That's was when it dawned on me. That pretty girl was in the early stage of insanity...saddening.
There she was, swaying to the beat of insanity, dancing to the rhythm her head forms, JUST LIVING. LIFE, to her, is nothing. LIFE, to her is dead.

Let's review my life..lol

Ok, here we are. Let me give you a brief insight into my fascinating  lifestyle *smiles.
Let me start by saying I'm a young lady of twenty six. I should be married, but I'm not and my mum is starting to make this house look like hell *sobs*. What's better, I'm single! And I love every bit of my single life. I love to stay indoor, preferably in my room (which is probably why I'm single, not like I care tho) , I have very few friends who I cherish dearly. like most of y'all, social media is my escape greenland..i practically cook on facebook, eat on BBM and undehydrate(if there's any word like that) on Twitter, sleep on instagram and wake up on Linda Ikeji Blog.
I love to sing! You should hear my voice, I probably sound better dan that frog you hear all the time *shrugs*.
I love all genres of Literature, but poetry is my favourite. And yes, I'm a hopeless romantic. I believe in fairy tales..and Yessss! I love cartoons.
I love God! He's the all time biggest factor in my life.
Like PMB, I belong to everybody...including you.  *opens teeth. What else is worth knowing about me ooooo...Hmmmmm, erm... i'l tell you all as soon as I remember. Enjoy this ride with me. Love you all.


This is to officially welcome you to my world! *yay! I'm so excited. It's a good day!