Tuesday 7 July 2015

You are born to win

Joseph was stripped of his coat but not of his character.
Joseph was stripped of his family but nott of his future.
Joseph was stripped of his position but not of his purity.
Joseph was stripped of his accomplishments but not of his attitude.
Despite all he went through, he became great.
Forget what u r going through today, tomorrow will be great. You are born to win.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

words of a bereaved mother.

I prayed to have you and I did. I had you in my womb for months, it was the best change my body has ever gone through. I watched you grow every second, minute and day. I saw you form as my stomach formed. I felt your emotion, I felt your happiness and all. I felt you kick, I fed you the best meal right there inside me. I woke up each day praying for that D-day when you would come out and see my face. I was waiting patiently to see your innocent face, to hold your tiny hand in mine, to cradle your small body in my hands while I sing you a melodious lullaby. I painted your room blue cos your dad is a Chelsea fan and we were expecting you to be too.
But today I'm sad and downcasted. I lost you my precious baby, I lost you today...at 7months. Just when I felt my victory was near, just when I felt you would finally taste our good life. But no, Fate had a different plan.
I love you dearly my beloved. Your dad and I would try again for you. I would leave your room just the way it is. I would leave your clothes folded and waiting for you. I would leave your toys right where they are and i'd put my womb in good shape just for you. I hope you come back to me again my precious. I waited to have you and i'l gladly wait to have you again.
